So BS and I have been forced into a friendly wager as pertaining to the upcoming baseball season by our lecherous and generally suspicious ancestors (see BS' retelling of the story in his post). Suffice it to say, this fish-smelling Mariner will tromp all over BS' fancy booze snifting slave ownin ass.
Our endeavor: Pick the correct order of finish for all 30 MLB teams.
Our wager: a quality mid-range whiskey/bourbon, such as this, or this, or this.
The rules: (1) one point for every team who ends up in the predicted slot, (2) 2 additional points for picking correct division winners, (3) 1 point for picking correct wild card, (4) 3 points for picking correct divisional winners, (5) 4 points for picking correct championship winners, (6) 5 points for WS, (7) one point each for picking correct Cy Young and MVP for each league.
May the best man win!
American League
West (since everyone always lists the East first)
1. Seattle - sure, it's a homer pick... I have many many many many misgivings about this squad, but I think that the 1-2 punch in the lineup is the best in the bigs, and I think there are enough sparks left in the decrepit bunch of men we call our starting lineup that will eek past the Angels.
2. Los Angeles - Praise be to the god of injured pitching arms!
3. Oakland
4. Texas
1. Cleveland - tough call here, but I just think that there are fewer question marks in the Injuns' rotation and bullpen. Good young squad - gonna be a force to be reckoned with in the future, with or without CC.
2. Detroit - too many old guys and injury risks.
3. Minnesota - like always, the twins will be largely unremarkable, but will win games.
4. Kansas City - HEY! The Royals may not finish in the cellar... will wonders never cease?
5. Chicago
1. Boston
2. New York - we'll see how those young arms play and how well Girardi runs the show... they could very easily take this division, but as of right now, I think Boston is the safer bet.
3. Tampa Bay - the little guys could flirt with contention... i think 80+ wins isn't out of the question.
4. Toronto
5. Baltimore - Best of luck, Messrs. Jones and Sherrill.
National League
1. Arizona
2. Colorado (but boy are they close... I fall back on the adage that pitching wins games, and boy that DBack rotation is solid).
3. San Diego
4. Los Angeles
5. San Francisco
1. Chicago - Sweet Lou screams, yells, kicks dirt and babbles incoherently on their way to the postseason.
2. Milwaukee - Close, but no cigar. Great young talent, but not enough push to get them to October. Plus it doesn't help that Gagne is your closer...
3. Cincinnati
4. Houston
5. St. Louis - Gawd, this team is awful, but I can't bring myself to put them below the Pirates...
6. Pittsburgh
1. New York - if Delgado can return to close to form, and if the Santana-Pedro can sustain itself, this could be a tough team. Plus, having Maine and Pelfrey is a pretty decent back end to your rotation. Injuries could decimate this team in a heartbeat, though.
2. Philadelphia
3. Atlanta
4. Florida
5. Washington
AL Wild Card - New York
AL Division Winners: Boston over Seattle in 5 (i want to pick Seattle, cause their rotation is built for playoff series, but they just don't inspire my confidence), Cleveland over New York in 7.
AL Championship Winner: Cleveland in 7
NL Wild Card: Colorado
NL Division: Arizona over Chicago in 6, New York over Colorado in 5
NL Championship Winner: Arizona in 6
World Series: Cleveland in 6.
AL MVP: A-Rod; AL Cy Young: Bedard (by a nose over Verlander)
NL MVP: David Wright; NL Cy Young: Santana
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